Payson, Arizona (April 25). Jamil Coury and Nikki Kimball were the winners of the Zane Grey Highline Trail 50 Mile race held here today. The course is a very rocky traverse of the Highline Trail from Pine to Christopher Creek on the Mogollon Rim in central Arizona. Kimball’s second place overall is the highest placing by a woman in the race’s 20-year history. She now holds the three fastest female times in the race’s history.
1. Jamil Coury, 24, Tucson, AZ 9:34:52
2. Peter Traylor, 31, Flagstaff, AZ 9:58:57
3. Paul Bonnett, 47, Scottsdale, AZ 10:29:49
4. Nickademus Hollon, 19, San Diego, CA 10:39:16
5. Chip Gosewisch, 32, Phoenix, AZ 10:44:14
1. Nikki Kimball, 37, Bozeman, MT 9:58:18
2. Jane Larkindale, 34, Tucson, AZ 11:24:14
3. Andrea Felton, 33, Scottsdale, AZ 11:26:35
4. Eve Davies, 42, Salt Lake City, UT 12:47:58
5. Honey Albrecht, 49, Glendale, AZ 12:53:29