Wondering what state represents the most when it comes to finishes at Ultras?
The map below shows the percentage of Ultrarunning finishers as a percentage of a states population.
*Population data comes from US Census
*Finishers data is looking at the 64,779 finishers from races where state is supplied (2014 Year to Date).
Our race results database goes back to the beginning of our sport starting with the 1964 JFK 50. We believe it to be one of the most comprehensive ultrarunning-only results database in the sport, and we have developed it to share with any and all members of the ultrarunning community. It is our collective body of work.
Race results are obtained from numerous sources, and should be accurate and complete, but inevitably there may be errors. In such cases please let us know. We obtained results from our archive of old ultrarunning magazines dating back to 1981, as well as too-many-to-name Race Directors. We also obtained results from race websites and other on-line sources, such as Real Endurance.com, Active.com, Thelist.com, International Trail Running Association (ITRA) and UltraSignup.com. We are grateful to the running community for providing the results that populate the database, and we hope you find it useful, informative and joyful.
Two questions: Is the data based on location of the ultra (where the finish occurred) or residence of the runner (where the finisher lives)? And is it based on number of finishes or number of finishers? In other words, if I had 2 finishes this year so far, are you counting it as 2 finishes or 1 finisher?
Good questions. It’s based on total finishes (I may look at trying to segment out just unique finishers at some point). Race location is not taken into account, just the location of the finisher.
Is the results database accessible such that I could download it for my own research and statistical analysis?
Do you have this data categorized by # of events/state? If so, it would greatly help my thesis!!
There is a flaw in the methodology: so many of the Utah finishers are not Utah residents. A better measure would be the number of Ultrarunning subscriptions per capita in each state.
This is based on the finishers residence. Location of the race is irrelevant.
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