10 UR Profile: Arizona’s Dennis Poolheco, Hopi-Tewa Native American
14 The Benefit of Talking During Ultras by Ed Phillips, Scott Lind, and Dennis Leitner
16 How to Do It: The Grand Canyon Rim to Rim by Cathy Tibbetts
18 Adventure Run: The Del Passatore 100 Km by John Simon
Western States
22 Jurek, Trason Defend Titles at Western States by Don Allison
23 Jurek Again! by Ian Torrence
24 Notes in the Margin by John Medinger
26 Western States 100 Mile Results
28 UR Interview: 20 Years at Western States, 20 Questions for Tim Twietmeyer
54 102 Miles on the Ohlone Trail by Catra Corbett
65 Race Preview: The Ed Fitz 100 Km by Bill Wenmark, Race Director
AT THE RACES reports and results
32 Old Dominion 100 Mile
36 Mohican 100 Mile
38 Kettle Moraine 100 Mile and 100 Km
40 Laurel Highlands 70 Mile
44 Squaw Peak 50 Mile
48 Best Run by a Dam Site
49 Shafer Butte Endurance Run
50 Mohican Wilderness Ultra Medley
51 Bighorn Wild and Scenic Ultras
52 Niagara Falls 100 Km, 80 Km, 50 Km
52 Slug Around the Park Six Hour
52 Muir Woods Earth Day 50 Km
53 Ohlone Wilderness 50 Km Trail Run
55 Lost Boys 50 Mile
56 Winterhawk 50 Km
56 Sri Chinmoy Kingston Six Hour
57 Sulphur Springs 100 Mile
59 Shadow of the Giants 50 Km
59 Mile High 24 Hour
60 Finger Lakes Trail 50 Mile and 50 Km
61 Quicksilver 50 Mile and 50 Km
62 Bendistillery 50 Km
62 Don’t Run Boston 50 Km
62 Run to the Horizon 12 Hour
62 TIMTAM 50 Km
62 Mill Pond Dam 50 Km and 27 Mile
62 Great Walk 50 Km
63 True Grit 50 Km
63 Brew to Brew Run 42 Mile
63 Dawn to Dusk Six Hour and 50 Km
64 The Colorado Trail Pearl 24 Hour
7 Experiment of One: Peaking for Performance by Kevin Setnes
8 On the Go: Dogs on the Trail by Ed Tyanich
12 Body Basics: Medial Plica Syndrome by Jason Hodde
13 Twenty-Something: Time Is On Our Side by Ian Torrence
3 Chatter
4 UR Letters
COVER Emma Davies at Western States 100 Mile.
PHOTO David Gaines, Facchino Photography.