
Jasmin Paris returns from loop two at this year’s Barkley Marathons at Frozen Head State Park in Tennessee. She finished a total of three loops or, a “Fun Run,” and was the first female to do so since Bev Anderson-Abbs did it in 2013. Photo: Howie Stern
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- Moving Forward Generations of Ultrarunners by Amy Clark
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- Ultra Life Balance Train for Your First Ultra After 50 by Ellie Greenwood
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- Pete’s Perspective Converting Training Into Racing by Pete Kostelnick
- Running On Earth Leave No Trace by Clare Gallagher
- Tales from the Crypt The Truth About Aging by Buzz Burrell
- The Barkley Marathons by Jeffrey Stern
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- Way Too Cool by Jeffrey Stern
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- One Step Beyond Not Just a Number by Dean Karnazes
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- I Am An Ultrarunner Craig Thornley by Erika Hoagland