10 UR Profile: Southern California’s Shannon Farar-Griefer
14 UR Book Review Racing the Antelope by Bernd Heinrich
15 UR Interview: Racing the Antelope Author Bernd Heinrich
18 Adventure Run: The Marathon Des Sables by Cathy Tibbetts
21 Adventure Run: Roseburg to Coos Bay by David Kamp
Sri Chinmoy Ten and Six Day
22 Jakelaitis, Cunningham, and Corbitt Reign Supreme by Sahishnu Szczesiul
24 UR Interview with Ted Corbitt
26 UR Interview with Multi-Day Record-Setter Rimas Jakelaitis by David Luljak
62 Race Preview: Run to the Sun 36 Mile by Stan Jensen
66 The All-Time Ultra Records List
84 Guidelines for Submitting Material to UltraRunning
AT THE RACES reports and results
28 Massanutten Mountain Trail 100 Mile
32 Ice Age 50 Mile and 50 Km
37 McDonald Forest 50 Km
39 Rocky Hill Ranch 50 Km
40 Capon Valley 50 Km
42 Miwok 100 Km
44 Greendale YMCA Stride for Pride 50 Km
45 Long Island 50 Km and 50 Mile
46 Promise Land 50 Km
48 Lake Waramaug 50 Km, 50 Mile, and 100 Km
49 Trail Mix 50 Km
50 Strolling Jim 40 Mile
51 Rocky Mountain Double Marathon
52 Zane Grey Highline Trail 50 Mile
53 Bishop High Sierra 50 Mile and 50 Km
54 Bandera 28 Mile
56 Cornbelt Running Club 24 Hour
58 Sri Chinmoy 24-Hour Run, U.S.
58 Sri Chinmoy 24-Hour Run, Canada
59 Mother’s Day Six Hour
59 Ganaraska 50 Km
59 Lake McMurty 50 Km
60 Silver State 50 Mile and 50 Km
61 Sybil Laudington 50 Km
4 Global Update by Andy Milroy
6 On the Go: Trail Shoes 2001 by Ed Tyanich
9 Experiment of One: Hydration for Warm Weather Ultrarunning by Kevin Setnes
13 Twenty-Something: Kim Morton by Ian Torrence
2 Chatter
3 UR Briefs
COVER Courtney Campbell, winner of the Massanutten Mountain Trail 100 Mile. PHOTO Edwin Demoney.