In this issue
24 Beginner’s Corner – Your First Ultra
26 Nutrition – Minerals
28 View From The Open Road
30 Off-Season Conditioning Program
32 Standing On The Porch
71 Calendar
75 Letters & Milestones
76 Run Gently Out There
Feature races
8 Javelina Jundred
12 Mountain Masochist Trail Run
14 Quad Dipsea
16 JFK 50
Race results and reports
42 24 The Hard Way and Double Dirty Dozen
34 8-Hour Run from the Ducks
50 Bimbler’s Bluff
52 Blue Springs 50/50
67 Boulder 100 and 24 Hours of Boulder
53 Cactus Rose
54 Chicago Lakefront 50/50
34 Children’s Hospital Charity Run
36 Cumberland Trail
52 Dogwood Canyon 50K
41 Door County Fall 50
56 Equalizer
37 Farmdale 32-mile
70 Folsom Point Trail Run
44 Goblin Valley Ultra
35 Grindstone 100
59 Haney to Harrison
68 Jenkinson Lake
67 John Holmes Trail Run
70 Just Another Mad Dog
57 McNotAgain
40 Mountain Madness
70 Muir Beach Trail Run
61 OPSF 50/50
60 Ozark Trail 100 Mile Endurance Run
63 Peachtree City 50K
39 Presque Isle
64 Rockledge Rumble
70 Run the River Ultra
70 Run With Scissors
46 SF One Day
67 Sisters Poker Run
69 Spirit of the Osage
62 Stone Cat Ale
48 Stone Steps
58 Surf the Murph
68 The North Face Endurance Challenge/Wisconsin
66 Upchuck 50K
38 Wild Duluth
Victor Ballesteros tackles the West Coast’s “stairmaster” – the Quad Dipsea – with San Francisco shimmering in the background
Keith Facchino