I’d like to thank the unsung heroes of the trails I run on every day – those thoughtful folks who leave bags of dog poop on the trails. As an …
It is difficult to explain to a non-runner what it’s like to run an ultramarathon. How can you possibly put into words the excitement, the highs, the lows, the torture …
I began mentally rewriting song lyrics as a way to pass the miles, entertain myself, and poke a little fun at the absurdities and idiosyncrasies I see within the subculture …
An annoying man decided to use the treadmill directly to my right, despite there being several available options farther away. He immediately set his pace 1 mph faster than mine. …
Why am I out there six days a week, usually before 4 a.m., making myself uncomfortable? Why do I and millions of other people willingly subject ourselves to it?
You’re not supposed to look good after you run a hundred miles. Didn’t matter. It was still the worst race finish photo I had ever taken, yet it was the …
Among the many alternative cross training and recovery methods out there, I’ve found the one true, revitalizing cure-all: the steam room.
A humorous look at apps that are not really available to ultrarunners – but that should be.